Plagiarism and AI in College and Graduate School Since the beginning of 2023 the use of AI by students at colleges and grad schools has skyrocketed. Schools were caught unprepared how to deal with the use of this technology and are still wrestling with the rules they will implement this fall. Join Scott for an […]
The Criminal & College Discipline Blog
Video: How Colleges Fail to Express to the Student, the Seriousness of Violations of Their Code of Conduct
How Colleges Fail to Express to the Student, the Seriousness of Violations of Their Code of Conduct In a college’s attempt to treat an accused student as “innocent until proven guilty” the school will treat the accused student respectfully. They will ask if the student needs accommodations or mental health treatment. This gives the student […]
Video: College Students and AI
College Students and AI As technology progresses, so do ways of taking shortcuts with schoolwork. AI is enabling students to do work in record times but what can happen if they get caught?
Video: Can a School Official Search Your Child’s Property?
Video: Can a School Official Search Your Child’s Property? Schools have an almost unfettered ability to search a student and their possessions when on school grounds.
Vide: A Bouncer Determines You Have a Fake ID, What Happens Next?
A Bouncer Determines You Have a Fake ID, What Happens Next? There are a number of different actions a bouncer can take if he suspects he is given a fake ID.
Podcast Episode: Cannabis Under 21
Podcast Episode: Cannabis Under 21 Please join me for a discussion about the current state of the law surrounding cannabis. I will discuss what is legal, where it is legal, where you can consume and the kind of trouble you could still get into even though it is legal. I will explain the dangers if […]
Video: Are You Allowed to Let Your Own Children Drink Alcohol Before They Are 21?
Are You Allowed to Let Your Own Children Drink Alcohol Before They Are 21? Understanding the Risks: How Minors Obtain Fake IDs for Drinking Is your teen at risk? Discover how easily minors can acquire fake IDs, and learn what parents need to know about this concerning trend.
Video: How Easy Is It for a Minor to Get a Fake ID
How Easy Is It for a Minor to Get a Fake ID Understanding the Risks: How Minors Obtain Fake IDs for Drinking Is your teen at risk? Discover how easily minors can acquire fake IDs, and learn what parents need to know about this concerning trend.
Podcast Episode: Underage Drinking and Driving
Podcast Episode: Underage Drinking and Driving Join Scott for a discussion on underage drinking and driving. In this episode, we discuss the dangers and potential ramifications of underage drinking and driving. We also discuss how parents should address the issue with their children.
Video: Can High School Security Search a Student’s Car?
Can High School Security Search a Student’s Car? Explore the scope of property searches on High School premises, focusing on the question of whether a student’s car can be searched by security personnel.